DISC integrates enduring SEO into the very DNA of your website and company, achieving efficiency and great results.

  1. ROI Projections

    SEO is almost always worth doing, but we recommend starting with ROI projections based on your business model, website, and competitive environment. An initial ROI projection takes at least five hours–money well spent. You can adapt the projection spreadsheet to assess ROI of other web marketing.

  2. Setup of Results Tracking

    At minimum, we ensure that your Google Analytics or equivalent and Google and Bing Search Consoles are set-up well. This gives accurate assessment of results and alerts about new problems and opportunities. For larger clients, DISC sets up robust reporting of ROI and opportunities, using diverse data from the client’s in-house systems as well as from software well beyond Google Analytics.

  3. Technical & CMS SEO Treatment

    The technical SEO process redresses search engine blockages in both site and server. CMS (content management system) SEO makes your website publishing system, like WordPress, Magento, or your custom system, automate SEO in perpetuity. These two processes entail about 40 tests using diverse tools. You get a one-page executive summary that links to details and how to fix problems, including who should fix them and labor time required. Either your webmaster or DISC can implement.

  4. Progress Reports

    We deliver weekly or monthly progress reports that show tasks and hours done and remaining. Clients love this transparency, and it helps DISC adhere to schedule and budget.


  • Keyword Research and SEO Writing

    The above steps alone deliver good results, so that you can wait for new profits before investing in the third major facet of SEO: keyword research and SEO writing. Keyword research is difficult to do well (easy to do poorly), so we rarely train clients in this. But for SEO writing, either DISC does it or we train your writer/s. Clients with larger budgets and larger ROI potential should begin this work immediately, spreading it out over months.

  • Monthly Maintenance

    Finally, DISC should be given a few hours per month to check your team’s work, help assess results, and address problems and opportunities. Change is rapid in this field, so a dedicated pro keeps your results stellar. We urge but don’t require this monthly retainer. We train your team in parts of this ongoing management as well.